How to Improve Your SEO

SEO is the process of adjusting your website to attract more traffic. In short, it involves the optimization of the algorithms used by search engines, including Google. Often, the process begins with keyword research, which involves examining competitor sites and what their visitors search for. Once you know what people are searching for, you can create content around those terms. Here are some tips to improve your SEO strategy:

SEO Marbella – Create a set of SEO objectives. This can be anything from a longer page’s dwell time to a lower bounce rate. By establishing goals, you’ll be more likely to get buy-in from key stakeholders and formulate a strategy around achieving them. For example, in nine months, you should aim to get 50% of the top 20 keywords to rank on the first page of Google. If you don’t know how to set goals for your SEO, try entering your URL in a free tool that will automatically generate a score for you.

Another way to improve your SEO is to optimize your site’s content. For example, if a user types in “Atlanta Falcons hats,” Google understands that they are shopping. AdWords-style SEO practices differ from those used for organic listings. These different types of listings are populated with many competing elements that can push organic listings down the page. The top result is likely to attract more traffic if it is the best one.